Added Chaos Damage |
31 |
140% |
Added Cold Damage |
12 |
130% |
Added Fire Damage |
12 |
120% |
Added Lightning Damage |
12 |
130% |
Additional Accuracy |
12 |
N/A |
Blind |
24 |
N/A |
Block Chance Reduction |
19 |
125% |
Blood Magic |
24 |
245%* |
Cast On Critical Strike |
31 |
140% |
Cast on Death |
19 |
N/A |
Cast on Melee Kill |
19 |
140% |
Cast when Damage Taken |
31 |
N/A |
Cast when Stunned |
24 |
N/A |
Chain |
31 |
175% |
Chance to Flee |
12 |
N/A |
Chance to Ignite |
19 |
110% |
Cold Penetration |
24 |
150% |
Cold to Fire |
19 |
110% |
Concentrated Effect |
31 |
160% |
Culling Strike |
24 |
110% |
Curse on Hit |
24 |
N/A |
Elemental Proliferation |
24 |
140% |
Empower |
1 |
125% |
Endurance Charge on Melee Stun |
24 |
110% |
Enhance |
1 |
125% |
Enlighten |
1 |
125% |
Faster Attacks |
31 |
115% |
Faster Casting |
31 |
120% |
Faster Projectiles |
12 |
110% |
Fire Penetration |
24 |
140% |
Fork |
12 |
115% |
Generosity |
24 |
N/A |
Greater Multiple Projectiles |
31 |
165% |
Increased Area of Effect |
31 |
150% |
Increased Burning Damage |
31 |
120% |
Increased Critical Damage |
12 |
130% |
Increased Critical Strikes |
31 |
115% |
Increased Duration |
24 |
150% |
Iron Grip |
24 |
N/A |
Iron Will |
12 |
N/A |
Item Quantity |
24 |
N/A |
Item Rarity |
24 |
N/A |
Knockback |
31 |
N/A |
Lesser Multiple Projectiles |
19 |
140% |
Life Gain on Hit |
12 |
150% |
Life Leech |
31 |
130% |
Lightning Penetration |
24 |
150% |
Mana Leech |
31 |
N/A |
Melee Damage on Full Life |
19 |
130% |
Melee Physical Damage |
31 |
140% |
Melee Splash |
19 |
160% |
Minion and Totem Elemental Resistance |
19 |
140% |
Minion Damage |
19 |
150% |
Minion Life |
12 |
140% |
Minion Speed |
24 |
150% |
Multiple Traps |
24 |
160% |
Multistrike |
19 |
180% |
Physical Projectile Attack Damage |
31 |
120% |
Physical to Lightning |
19 |
110% |
Pierce |
19 |
110% |
Point Blank |
24 |
120% |
Power Charge On Critical |
19 |
110% |
Ranged Attack Totem |
31 |
250% |
Reduced Duration |
24 |
120% |
Reduced Mana |
31 |
90%* |
Remote Mine |
31 |
150% |
Slower Projectiles |
24 |
140% |
Spell Echo |
31 |
130% |
Spell Totem |
31 |
250% |
Stun |
24 |
N/A |
Trap |
24 |
140% |
Weapon Elemental Damage |
12 |
150% |