Path of Exile

Osiągnięcia na Steam

Path of Exile

Znamy już listę osiągnięć (achievements) dostępnych dla osób grających w Path of Exile poprzez Steam. W sumie będziemy mogli zdobyć 44 osiągniecie. Poniżej zamieszczam listę dostępnych achievementów.

  • Breaking Free: Finish the game on Normal difficulty in a non-Hardcore League.
  • Ascension: Finish the game on Cruel difficulty in a non-Hardcore League.
  • Vengeance: Finish the game on Merciless difficulty in a non-Hardcore League.
  • Fearless: Finish the game on Normal difficulty in a Hardcore League.
  • Dauntless: Finish the game on Cruel difficulty in a Hardcore League.
  • Indomitable: Finish the game on Merciless difficulty in a Hardcore League.
  • Mercy Killing: Kill Brutus, Warden of Axiom Prison.
  • The Star of Wraeclast: Kill Merveil, the Siren.
  • A New Dawn: Vanquish the Vaal Oversoul.
  • Rest for the Wicked: Defeat Piety in her laboratory.
  • Hunter: Kill Dominus as the Ranger.
  • Saviour: Kill Dominus as the Templar.
  • Usurper: Kill Dominus as the Witch.
  • Assassin: Kill Dominus as the Shadow.
  • Champion: Kill Dominus as the Duelist.
  • Conqueror: Kill Dominus as the Marauder.
  • Seeker: Kill Dominus as the Scion.
  • Beginning of the End: Reach level 60 as a non-Hardcore character.
  • Foot of the Mountain: Reach level 70 as a non-Hardcore character.
  • Scaling the Ladder: Reach level 80 as a non-Hardcore character.
  • Diminishing Returns: Reach level 90 as a non-Hardcore character.
  • Survivor: Reach level 60 as a Hardcore character.
  • Undying: Reach level 70 as a Hardcore character.
  • Immortal: Reach level 80 as a Hardcore character.
  • Eternal: Reach level 90 as a Hardcore character.
  • Locomancer: Tag each waypoint in each difficulty.
  • No Loose Ends: Complete each side-quest in each difficulty.
  • All Ears: Listen to all optional NPC dialogue.
  • No Stone Unturned: Discover all environmental lore.
  • Left to Chance: Create a Unique item using an Orb of Chance.
  • Well-Connected: Create an item with six linked sockets using an Orb of Fusing.
  • Gemling: Have a Skill Gem reach level 20.
  • Freedom: Free the Scion.
  • Elemental Trinity: Slay an enemy that is simultaneously Ignited, Shocked, and Frozen.
  • Geared Up: Equip a Rare or Unique item in every non-Flask slot.
  • Cryomancer: Shatter 5 monsters with a single action.
  • One of a Kind: Equip a Unique item.
  • Paradigm Shift: Allocate a Keystone Passive Skill.
  • Cartographer: Fully clear an end-game Map area.
  • Traitor: Help all three Bandit Lords.
  • Golden Touch: Open a Golden Chest.
  • Ancestral Power: Have 3 Totems alive at one time.
  • Out of the Gate: Reach level 8 in any Race Event.
  • Overcharged: Have 15 combined Endurance, Frenzy, and Power Charges active simultaneously.

2 thoughts on “Osiągnięcia na Steam”

  1. kopiuj-wklej, jak miło
    Polska strona, rozumiem, osiągnięcia muszą zostać oryginalne.
    Ale opis jak zdobyc moznabylo przetlumaczyc, ale ile to roboty…

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